The gripping storyline of AstroMania unfolds in a future where the Zorinians have successfully decimated Earth’s military forces and launched a full-scale invasion. Humanity’s only hope lies in the robotic prowess and unwavering determination of AstroMan. Guided by a team of brilliant scientists and strategists, players will navigate through ravaged cities, treacherous alien lairs, and decimated military bases, unearthing the truth behind the Zorinians’ sinister intentions.
AstroMania also features an innovative multiplayer mode that pits players against each other in thrilling competitive arenas. Choose from a wide range of unique robot counterparts, each with their own distinct abilities and playstyles. Engage in fast-paced deathmatches, capture the flag battles, or strategic team-based modes that will test your reflexes, teamwork, and strategic skills against a diverse community of players.