As the story unfolds, the characters’ sanity is put to the test. Haunting visions and disturbing encounters blur the line between reality and hallucination, causing their mental states to deteriorate. Players must manage their characters’ mental health, balancing their fears and trauma with their will to survive.
Throughout the game, players will have to navigate their way through treacherous landscapes, avoiding deadly traps and solving puzzles to progress. Along the way, they will uncover the truth behind the curse that plagues the land, and the horrific rituals that have led to the jungle’s current state. Each character has their own unique skills and abilities, making for varied gameplay experiences and strategic decision-making.
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- OS: Windows 8 or newer
- Processor: Intel Core i3 M380
- Memory: 2 MB RAM
- Graphics: Intel HD 4000
- Storage: 500 MB available space