Liza, once a vibrant and ambitious young woman, has been forcefully turned into a vampire, forever trapped in the shadows of the night. As she grapples with her newfound identity, her struggle with morality becomes a central theme in this hauntingly beautiful RPG. The player takes on the role of Liza, guiding her through a complex web of alliances, betrayals, and personal dilemmas, all while she tries to sustain her facade as one of the living.
Cabernet also introduces an intriguing mechanic centered around alcoholism, a theme deeply woven into the game’s narrative. Liza, struggling with her immortality and the ancillary effects of drinking blood, finds solace in alcohol, seeking to fill the void left by her lost humanity. Players must manage Liza’s alcohol consumption carefully, as excessive drinking can impair her decision-making abilities and push her further towards the darkness she desperately seeks to avoid.
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- OS: Windows 7 or higher
- Processor: Dual Core 2.1Ghz or higher
- Memory: 4 GB RAM
- Graphics: Video card with 512MB of VRAM or higher
- Storage: 700 MB available space