The story of Custom Mech Wars: Ultimate Edition takes place in a not-so-distant future, where Earth has been invaded by hordes of alien creatures known as the Xenovores. These relentless beings have laid waste to cities and decimated once-thriving civilizations. In a desperate attempt to fight back, humanity has created an elite force of customized mechs, known as the Omega Squadron.
But that’s not all. Custom Mech Wars: Ultimate Edition goes above and beyond by bringing the world of anime into the mix. With a total of 70 collaboration accessory parts inspired by various anime games, you can truly make your mech stand out from the rest. From the dynamic and fierce heroines of SAMURAI MAIDEN to the charming and alluring characters of DREAM C CLUB, the choice is yours. Unleash your creativity and create a mech that not only boasts impressive firepower but also showcases your unique taste and style.