The tale takes an unexpected turn when Franz and Lefsa stumble upon a cryptic message known as “The Scream”. Convinced that it holds the key to uncovering the truths about their world, the siblings embark on a dangerous quest to unravel the mysteries behind this enigmatic artifact. Their journey will take them through decaying slums, opulent palaces, treacherous ruins, and beyond, revealing the true nature of Branzen and its inhabitants.
The visual and auditory experience in Franzen is nothing short of breathtaking. The dystopian-steampunk aesthetics are brought to life with stunning hand-painted environments and intricate character designs. The world of Branzen is filled with atmospheric details, from the smog-filled air, to the crumbling architecture, to the haunting melodies that echo through the city streets. The immersive audiovisual presentation transports players into a hauntingly beautiful world where every inch of the screen is filled with wonder and intrigue.
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- OS: Microsoft® Windows® XP/Vista/7/8/10
- Processor: Intel® Pentium®4 1.5GHz
- Memory: 256 MB RAM
- Graphics: 1024×768 or better video resolution in High Color mode
- Storage: 1 GB available space
- Sound Card: DirectSound-compatible sound card