As the hero of this enchanting tale, players embark on an arduous journey to gather legendary instruments, each possessing unique magical abilities. These instruments, known as the Fretless, are scattered across Melodia, guarded by powerful foes and hidden in treacherous dungeons. As players find and master these instruments, they unlock devastating riff attacks and abilities that will aid them in their battle against Rick Riffson and his goons.
The game’s rich and compelling storyline unfolds in the mystical land of Melodia, a realm where music has the power to shape reality itself. For centuries, Melodia flourished under the guidance of the Harmonia, a group of virtuoso musicians who used their incredible powers to maintain balance and harmony. However, Rick Riffson, a fallen musician with a dark past, has risen to power and seeks to harness the unruly power of music to subjugate the land and bend it to his will.
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- Processor: TBD
- Graphics: TBD
- Sound Card: TBD
- VR Support: TBD