After decades adrift and declared “lost with all hands,” the brave crew of the UNSC Spirit of Fire are mysteriously awoken above an ancient Forerunner haven known as the Ark. In Halo Wars 2, Captain Cutter and his crew will face one of humanity’s most formidable threats yet: The Banished – a fierce and powerful Brute faction led by a cunning and lethal warrior known as Atriox.
Halo Wars 2 delivers real-time strategy at the speed of Halo combat. Get ready to lead armies of Spartans and other Halo fighting forces like Warthogs, Scorpions and exciting new units in a brutal war against a terrifying new enemy on the biggest Halo battlefield yet.
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System Requirements
- OS: 64-bit Windows 10
- DirectX Version: DirectX 12 (Feature Level 11)
- CPU: AMD FX-4350, Intel i5-2500
- GPU: Intel HD 4000, AMD Radeon HD 7750
- RAM: 6GB
- HD Space: 25GB
- OS: 64-bit Windows 10
- DirectX Version: DirectX 12 (Feature Level 11)
- CPU: Intel Core i5-4690K, AMD FX-8350
- GPU: AMD RX 480, NVIDIA GTX 1060
- RAM: 8GB
- HD Space: 25GB