Luigi embarks on a dream vacation with Mario and friends upon receiving an invitation to a luxurious hotel. However, his dream quickly becomes a nightmare when King Boo reveals everything had been a ploy to capture Mario and friends. With the assistance of Professor E. Gadd once again, the reluctant and cowardly hero Luigi traverses up and down treacherous floors of the now-ominous hotel on a quest to save them.
Wield the upgraded Poltergust G-00 to slam and blow away the ghosts’ defenses, or summon Gooigi, an all-green doppelganger that can help Luigi overcome obstacles he can’t get past alone. Interchange between Luigi and Gooigi as one player, or grab a friend and control one each. For more frenetic multiplayer action, race the timer to clear various objectives on a series of floors in ScareScraper mode. ScareScraper mode can be played online* or locally with up to eight players on four Nintendo Switch systems (additional games required; sold separately).
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System Requirements
- OS: Windows 7+ 64bit
- Processor: Intel Core i3
- Memory: 4 MB RAM
- Graphics: AMD R7 260X – Nvidia GTX 550 Ti 2GB
- DirectX: Version 11
- Storage: 2 GB available space
- Sound Card: Any
- OS: Windows 7+ 64bit
- Processor: Intel Core i5
- Memory: 8 MB RAM
- Graphics: Nvidia GTX 960 2 GB
- Sound Card: Any