In Pight, the storyline unfolds in a universe where darkness has engulfed the once vibrant and prosperous land of Lumiere. Players take on the role of an intrepid adventurer who has been tasked with restoring light to this desolate world. Equipped with an exceptional intellect and resourcefulness, the protagonist discovers the remarkable power of the ancient redstone technology, harnessed by the enigmatic Lumurians who once inhabited Lumiere. Determined to fulfill their mission, players traverse through visually stunning levels, each holding secrets and challenges waiting to be unraveled.
Pight not only offers an enthralling single-player experience but also provides a platform for creativity and community engagement. The game includes a robust level editor, enabling players to create and share their own unique puzzles with the Pight community. This feature fosters a sense of camaraderie and encourages collaboration, allowing players to showcase their ingenuity and challenge fellow adventurers to unravel their intricate designs.
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- OS *: Windows 7
- Processor: Intel Celeron
- Memory: 512 MB RAM
- Graphics: Intel HD Graphics
- DirectX: Version 9.0
- Storage: 150 MB available space