Switchblade has been developed by Lucid Games, a studio comprising the creators of Project Gotham Racing series. The game takes a player into the future, in which he assumes the role of a participant of futuristic sports matches. During each match, a player gets to drive one of the available vehicles and together with other players is tasked with destroying the opponents’ towers. In order to do this, one can utilize diversified features of his machines – some of them to fix, others to deal damage, etc. Moreover, during the game, small robots called mobs appear on the map to distract and attack the enemies. These robots should be protected, as they are the key to success. Nonetheless, one has to destroy the enemy mobs. Switchblade has been based on Unreal Engine, the same technology utilized in the production of Gears of War 4. The game is available free-to-play.
During the game, a player gets to participate in the futuristic sports championships resembling a combination of Rocket League and League of Legends. Switchblade for PC is an automotive MOBA game. Similarly to other games representing this genre, players join small teams and participate in 5v5 matches. Their main objective is to destroy enemy towers. The first team to destroy all enemy towers or the team that destroys most of them by the end of the game wins.
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System Requirements
- OS: Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10 64-bit
- CPU: Intel Core i5-7500
- Videocard: NVIDIA GTX 960
- RAM (memory): 8 GB
- HDD: 10 GB free space
- OS: Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10 64-bit
- CPU: 8650 Intel Core i7 6400k
- Videocard: NVIDIA GTX 1060
- RAM (memory): 16 GB
- HDD: 10 GB free space