The Wolf Among Us, a five episode series from the creators of the 2012 Game of the Year: The Walking Dead. Fairytale characters are being murdered in this hard-boiled, violent and mature thriller based on the award-winning Fables comic book series (DC Comics/Vertigo) by Bill Willingham. As Bigby Wolf – THE big bad wolf – you will discover that a brutal, bloody murder is just a taste of things to come in a game series where your every decision can have enormous consequences.
For now, in order to play our rips you will need :
– a PS4 with Firmware 4.05
– a computer to run the PS4 Exploit Host :
– Unpack PS4 Exploit Host on your computer
– Configure your PS4 to use your computer’s IP as DNS servers
– Format your USB drive/key to exFAT
– Copy our .pkg file to the root of your USB drive/key
– Plug your USB drive/key to one of the USB ports of your PS4
– On your PS4, go to ‘Settings’, ‘User’s Guide’
– Start one of the exploits, i.e. CelesteBlue123/LightningMods’ one
– Go to Debug Settings / Game / Package Installer
– Install our .pkg and start the game
– Enjoy !
Download Links
NOTE: Use JDownloader 2 for fast download.