In the beautiful and mystical world of Yasha: Legends of the Demon Blade, players are transported to the Edo period of ancient Japan, where the delicate balance between humans and demons has been shattered. As the kunoichi, Shigure, players must take up the legendary Demon Blades and embark on a quest to slay the wicked and restore peace to the land.
Throughout the game, players will encounter various NPCs who offer quests, special items, and valuable information. Building relationships with these characters can unlock additional storylines, side missions, and even provide opportunities to learn new abilities or obtain rare weapons. As players traverse the world of Yasha, they will uncover ancient scrolls and journals that shed light on the rich history and mythology of the land, offering tantalizing clues to the truth behind Shigure’s immortality.
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- OS: Windows 10
- Processor: TBA
- Graphics: TBA